POSTED ON Friday, September 2, 2011 AT 9:55 PM \\

So today was our character show. I have posted before that I’ll be playing theGreek Goddess Demeter (CERES in Roman). I was dreading this day to come. Yes, I had my costume and props set, but I just don’t like dressing up that way… you know , as a goddess, you have to be confident, and I’m not that confident with my body and face :(
Here’s what happened.
The day before... I was cramming about my make-up, my hair, and my speech. I was starting to really hate this character show. I  thought, if only this isn’t a project.
My cousin practiced my hair and make-up. I slept at about 11pm already.
The next day… I woke up at quarter to 4am. Imagine that! I had less than 5 hours of sleep. brrrr. I took a bath, dressed up, ate, dried my hair, and then my cousin started the make-over. We finished before 6am. I waited for my service, and went to school at 6:10. Good thing, one classmate of mine is already there. More of my girl classmates arrived and at 6:30, we decided to change our costumes. The process of changing clothes was easy, I was kinda relieved on that part. teehee :))
We formed our line for the flag ceremony, danced the morning exercise (at the beginning, kamusta naman yun).. after the morning rituals in our school, we presented ourselves. In front of the madlang high school. We lacked practice so I know our presentation wasn’t perfect. But it’s still good… at least for us. :P That was another relief for me. I have one worry left, our group presentation (that includes my speech).
During recess, we ate our lunch already. I was so hungry that time..
During lunch, we practiced our group presentation. WE HAD A REAAALL HARD TIME CRAMMING FOR A PRESENTATION. LELS.
English time, we had a parade. I was wearing heels, and I was so uncomfortable. But whatever! Who cares?! lels. Our group, the Major Gods presented first (to the third year pilot section). We had a creative opening, and after that, we had our speeches. After our presentation, I was so relieved, I had no worries anymore. I’M DONE! YAYYY!! :D
We took pictures all day. Only one classmate of mine uploaded today, the others will surely upload this weekend. I’m so excited for my other pictures!! I’ll be uploading some later.
Here’s my speech (just so you’re curious).
     I am Demeter, the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. I wandered the fields in my role as the goddess of agriculture, horticulture, grain and harvest. I am the mother of Persephone, whose father is my brother, Zeus. Persephone was stolen by my brother, Hades, and kidnapped to the underworld to be his queen. I am powerless to prevent my daughter’s abduction. I have been victimized and my pleas are ignored. I am a vulnerable goddess.
     In my anger and grief, I stopped the earth from bringing forth plants-nothing could grow, nothing could be born-until my daughter, was returned. Famine threatened humankind. I am the reason why there is winter season. It is the sorrowful time of the year when my daughter is away from me. I am kind and generous, but I could be very hard when crossed.
             Of all the gods and goddesses, I am one of the strongest, maybe not in power but in my ability to continue loving and nurture people no matter what is going on and how bad things get.
while i was delivering my speech.

with my beloved friends.

with the major gods and goddesses of mount olympus

with my seatmates